Wednesday 25 March 2015

Evaluation of the Juice Squad


I have been appointed by a smoothie company called the Urban Juicer, the plan was to create card mascots called the Juice Squad.  The idea is that these mascots would appeal to young children in order to promote a healthy lifestyle and expand customers in the future.

1.             Before I started, I had a look at three artists; Banksy, Blu and Sixeart and their artworks. Some of their ideas inspired me to create the colours and shapes for my own designs. My main inspiration was the artworks done by Sixeart because he uses a range of patterns, bold colours, and uses simplicity in arranging the layouts of his artworks – which is what I set out to provide.

2.             The design blueprints were quite simple though there was difficulty with the fruit types and the names of the mascots. I came up with 11 designs.

3.             The design on the computer-using Illustrator was tricky to start with but then I did fathom it out.

4.             I came up with one of the designs from my prototypes.  I had to combine fruit with music.  I thought of the song artist Adele and then thought of a fruit that matches and Apple fitted the bill so it was to be named Apple Adele. This aims to appeal to promote fruit that they might sell with Apple being a fruit and Adele is a musician so it promotes music (that young people might like) at the same time.

5.             I printed it out, cut it out and stuck it all together. My mascot “Apple Adele” is done, made and ready for action.  My card mascot has the green colour of apple but I made it look human-like. It has hair that looks like apple leave patterns in order to achieve a vibrant and positive promotion of healthy living, which is what the company commissioning this wants and demands.

Overall, I was pleased with my efforts and I’ve looked at similar items on the market, my designs would make a fine edition to this market.  

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